Insta360 Community Forum - Feature Poll

Thanks for your vote! This round of the Insta360 Community Forum Feature Poll has ended. We reviewed all entries and discussions in the comments. Your suggestions bring us new ideas and new possibilities.

Thank you all for your participation! We will continue to level up the Insta360 Community Forum and take your feedback very seriously.

As more and more creators join the Insta360 Community Forum, we want to make it a more engaging and fun space for you to share your content, and to get useful info for your Insta360 camera.

So we want to hear what features you’d like to add to the forum. This could be things you’ve seen on other platforms that you think could work here, or a totally original idea. Choose from the features in the voting window below, and if you have any suggestions, add them to the list for others to vote on. We will collect all feedback and incorporate this into the future development of the forum.

Here’s everything you need to know:

Voting Window:

28th November - 11th December, 23:59 (GMT+0)

How to vote.

1.You must be logged in to vote. Just tap the feature(s) you wish to support (OK to select multiple options).

2. To add a voting option, tap "Add a voting option" and write down the feature you would like to see. Please be concise.

A few things you should know.

1. Once you’ve added a voting option, you can delete it providing no other people have voted for it. If this option has already been voted for by others, it cannot be deleted.

2. After you've voted, you cannot modify your choice or create additional options.

3. Insta360 may modify or delete voting options to prevent misuse and to moderate the poll.