New Music Poll - What Music Do You Want to Have in the App?

There are currently around 100 different songs to choose from in the Insta360 app, but we’re ready to bring out a new batch. We want to hear from you about what kind of music you’d like to be added.

We've selected several music styles and music samples, and also listed some suggested content which matches with the music. Check out the list below:

Music Style: Futuristic Techno

Matched Content: Barrel Roll, TimeShift, Stop Motion, etc.

Music Sample - Futuristic Techno

Music Style: Comedic

Matched Content: Creative videos, Abbey Road, Jump for Joy, etc.

Music Sample - Comedic

Music Style: Epic

Matched Content: Starlapse, Drone Dolly Zoom, Bullet Time, etc.

Music Sample - Epic

Music Style: Country

Matched Content: Hobbies, relaxing, travel, etc.

Music Sample - Country

Music Style: Beats

Matched Content: Sports, Time Flip, Jump Cuts, etc.

Music Sample - Beats

Music Style: Romantic

Matched Content: Couples, The Hand-in-hand Shot, etc.

Music Sample - Romantic

Choose the music you want in the voting window below. If you don’t like any of them, you can also add your own suggestions to be voted on. You can also share your opinion about the music style you like or include other music example links in the comments.

Voting Window:

12th Sept - 20th Sept 2020 (GMT+0)

How to Vote:

1. You can vote right after logging in. Just tap the option(s) you support.

2. To add a voting option, tap "Add a voting option" and enter the music style you wish to be added in the future. Please be concise.